Thursday, May 28, 2009


"BrrrrrrrrBrrrrrrrrrrrrr...Cold but..nice!(:

Our first batch of Primary6 pupils having the privilege of doing their examination in an air-conditioned hall."

"Ssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!Examination in progress.

Active invigilation by the Primary 6 teachers.(:"

I drew a SMILE @ 11:55 PM l 0Comment


"Hooray!We have 2 Bronze winners for the Hwa Chong Institution Math Olympiad Competition!"

I drew a SMILE @ 11:51 PM l 0Comment


"Our Primary 6 girls, all ready to take part in the Hwa Chong Institution Math Olympiad Competition on 25thApril2009."

I drew a SMILE @ 11:22 PM l 0Comment